Bettermode Community Events Roundup #1

Learn more about the events scheduled for the month of February and save your spot!

Hi there, Francisco from Bettermode here 👋 

Since I joined the team last month, I have gotten so many ideas on initiatives that I would love to start to make our community the best place for those looking to create unique customer experiences and web apps with Bettermode.

We have set a few programs & events to start during Q1 this year, and these are the following:

Bettermode No Code Workshops: Amanda and Francisco will help you get a web app for your business or community app running in 1 hour or less!

Learn how to build Bettermode from scratch monthly with these workshops!

During our session tomorrow, you’ll learn how to build a Job Board for your community! Don’t miss out 🙂 

Bettermode Orientation Sessions: these are bespoke sessions where you can learn more and expand your knowledge about specific areas of our platform.

For instance, this week, on Thursday 22nd, we will cover how to get the most out of our brand-new Content Management System (CMS). RSVP here.

Bettermode Creator Series: these are online events where we will feature Bettermode users, learning from their stories and why they chose our platform to build their projects. Of course, we will see what they have made during the event, so you’ll get inspired by the work of other community members.

We have planned the first event of this series for Wednesday, February 28th.

Bettermode Office Hours: I know you want a safe place to get answers to your questions live, and we are opening 4 sessions for office hours during March happening weekly on Tuesdays!

The very first session will be on March 5th! RSVP here.

Phew! Sorry for the long email this week, but we are unpacking all initiatives we are planning to run this year, and these deserve a dedicated message to letting you know.

We look forward to getting to know you during the sessions and collaborating.

Do you have questions about any of these events? Just reply and let me know!

Let’s grow together,

Francisco from Bettermode

PS: If you have any feedback or ideas, we are all eyes for them. Hit reply and share them away!